This document is the reference documentation of the NGSI API provided by WireCloud. For being able to use this API you have to add a requirement on this API thought the description file of the widget/operator. See the Using Orion Context Broker tutorial for more detailed documentation (and examples) on how to use this API.

Data types used by the library

  • The Entity type is used to reference entities. This type is defined as an object composed of the following fields:

    • id is a string with the id of the entity. Some times you will be able to use patterns in this field.
    • isPattern is a boolean indicating whether the id field contains a regular expression pattern. (Optional field)
    • type is the type of the Entity. (Optional field)
  • The Attribute type is used to reference attributes. This type is defined as an object composed of the following fields:

    • name is the name of the attribute
    • type is the type of the Attribute. (Optional field)
  • The Duration type is used to describe time intervals and defined as a string following the format defined at

  • The Condition type is used to declare the condition that will trigger notifications. This type is defined as an object composed of the following fields:

    • type is an string containing ONTIMEINTERVAL or ONCHANGE
    • values: array of string. Depends on the value of the type field:
      • ONTIMEINTERVAL: exactly one value SHALL be present and SHALL represent the time interval between notifications
      • ONCHANGE: this element SHALL contain the name(s) of the Context Attributes to be monitored for changes
  • MetadataValue type is used to assign metadata to attributes. This type is defined as an object composed of the following fields:

    • name is the name of the attribute metadata
    • type is the type of the attribute metadata
    • value is the value to assign to the attribute metadata
  • The AttributeValue type is used to assign values to attributes. This type is defined as an object composed of the following fields:

    • name is the name of the attribute
    • type is the type of the attribute. (Optional field)
    • contextValue is the value to assign to the attribute
    • metadata is the metadata associated with the attribute. This field is defined as a MetadataValue array
  • The AttributeUpdate type is used to describe a context update. This type is defined as an object composed of the following fields:

    • entity is the entity affected by the update. This field is defined as an Entity array
    • attributes is the new values for the attributes of the entity. This field is defined as an AttributeValue array
  • The AttributeDeletion type is used to describe the deletion of attributes from an entity. This type is defined as an object composed of the following fields:

    • entity is the entity affected by the update. This field is defined as an Entity array
    • attributes is the new values for the attributes of the entity. This field is defined as an AttributeValue array. If you use null or an empty array for this field, the entity will be entirely removed.


A new NGSI.Connection can be instantiated using the following constructor:

NGSI.Connection(url[, options])
  • url (String): is the url of the Orion Pub/Sub Context Broker instance
  • options (Object; default null): This parameter may be null if no extra option is needed. Current supported options are:
    • ngsi_proxy_url (String; default null): URL of the NGSI proxy used for subscriptions
    • request_headers (Object; default null): A set of key-value pairs, with properties representing header names. These extra headers will be use when making request to the context broker
    • use_user_fiware_token (Boolean; default: false): Use current user authentication token retrieved from the IdM system

Callback options

All the method of NGSI.Connection support at least the following callbacks:

  • onSuccess is called when the request finishes successfully
  • onFailure is called when the request finishes with errors
  • onComplete is called when the request finishes regardless of whether the request is successful or not


Register context information (entities and attributes) in the NGSI server

createRegistration(entities, attributes, duration, providingApplication[, options])
  • entities is the list of Entities that are going to be registered
  • attributes is a list of the Attributes that are going to be assigned to the previous list of entities
  • duration is the Duration for this registration
  • providingApplication is the URI of the application to which this registration belongs to

The onSuccess callback will receive an object with the following fields:

  • registrationId is the final assigned id
  • duration is the final assigned duration for this registration

Usage example:

        {type: 'Technician', id: 'entity1'}
    ], [
        {name: 'attr1', type: 'string'},
        {name: 'attr2'},
        {name: 'attr3', type: 'number'}
        onSuccess: function (data) {


Updates a particular registration.

updateRegistration(entities, attributes, duration, providingApplication, options)
  • regId is the id of the registration to update
  • entities is the list of Entities that its going to replace the previous established one
  • attributes is a list of the Attributes that are going to be assigned to the provided list of entities
  • duration is the new Duration for the registration identified by regId
  • providingApplication is the new value for the providingApplication property of the registration

The onSuccess callback will receive an object with the following fields:

  • registrationId is the id of the registration
  • duration is the final assigned duration for this registration

Example usage:

        {type: 'Technician', id: 'entity1'}
        {name: 'attr1', type: 'string'},
        {name: 'attr2'}


Cancels or deletes a particular registration.

cancelRegistration(regId[, options])
  • regId is the id of the registration to cancel

Example usage:

connection.cancelRegistration("167", {
    onSuccess: function () {
        // Registration cancelled successfully


Discover context information registrations in the NGSI server.

discoverAvailability(entities, attributeNames[, options])
  • entities is the list of Entities that are going to be queried
  • attributeNames is the list of attribute names that are going to be queried. This parameter is optional and thus null is a valid value

The onSuccess callback will receive an array with the registrations meeting the query requirements as the first parameter.

Example usage:

        {type: 'Technician', id: 'entity1'},
        {type: 'Van', id: '.*', isPattern: true},
        onSuccess: function (registrations) {


Query for context information. That information is returned using pagination (see supported options), so its very recommended the use of the details option. This option is currently disabled by default, but expect it to be enabled by default in next versions of WireCloud.

query(entities, attributeNames[, options])
  • entities is the list of Entities to query
  • attributeNames is the list of attribute names to query. Use null for retrieving all the attributes

The query method supports other extra options:

  • flat (Boolean; default: false): This options is used for simplifying the data structure used for representing the returned data
  • limit (Number; default: 20): This option allow you to specify the maximum number of entities you want to receive from the server
  • offset (Number; default: 0): Allows you to skip a given number of elements at the beginning
  • details (Boolean; default: false): Makes the server return more detailed information about the request (currently those details are related to the pagination)

Example usage:

        {type: 'Technician', id: '.*', isPattern: true}
        limit: 100,
        offset: 200,
        details: true
        onSuccess: function (data, details) {

This is the value of the data parameter passed to the onSuccess callback when using the flat is false:

        "entity": {
            "id": "van1",
            "type": "Van"
        "attributes": [
                "name": "current_position",
                "type": "coordinates",
                "contextValue": "43.47557, -3.8048315",
                "metadata": [
                    {"name": "location", "type": "string", "value": "WGS84"}
        "entity": {
            "id": "van2",
            "type": "Van"
        "attributes": [
                "name": "current_position",
                "type": "coordinates",
                "contextValue": "43.47258, -3.8026643",
                "metadata": [
                    {"name": "location", "type": "string", "value": "WGS84"}
        "entity": {
            "id": "van3",
            "type": "Van"
        "attributes": [
                "name": "current_position",
                "type": "coordinates",
                "contextValue": "43.47866, -3.7991238",
                "metadata": [
                    {"name": "location", "type": "string", "value": "WGS84"}
        "entity": {
            "id": "van4",
            "type": "Van"
        "attributes": [
                "name": "current_position",
                "type": "coordinates",
                "contextValue": "43.471214, -3.7994885",
                "metadata": [
                    {"name": "location", "type": "string", "value": "WGS84"}

This is the value of the data parameter when flat is true:

    "van1": {
        "id": "van1",
        "type": "Van",
        "current_position": "43.47557, -3.8048315"
    "van2": {
        "id": "van2",
        "type": "Van",
        "current_position": "43.47258, -3.8026643"
    "van3": {
        "id": "van3",
        "type": "Van",
        "current_position": "43.47866, -3.7991238"
    "van4": {
        "id": "van4",
        "type": "Van",
        "current_position": "43.471214, -3.7994885"


Update context information.

updateAttributes(update[, options])
  • update a list of AttributeUpdates

The onSuccess callback will receive an array with the response and a array with the not accepted updates as the first and the second parameter respectively.

Example usage:

            'entity': {type: 'Technician', id: 'entity1'},
            'attributes': [
                {name: 'mobile_phone', type: 'string', contextValue: '0034223456789'},
                {name: 'attr2', contextValue: 'value'},
                {name: 'attr3', contextValue: 5}
    ], {
        onSuccess: function (data) {


Add/update entity attributes. This operation will create the attribute on those entities where they doesn't exist. In addition to this, this operation will also create entities if they doesn't exist.

addAttributes(toAdd[, options])
  • toAdd a list of AttributeUpdates

The onSuccess callback will receive an array with the response and a array with the not accepted updates as the first and the second parameter respectively.

Example usage:

            'entity': {type: 'Technician', id: 'entity1'},
            'attributes': [
                {'name': 'new_attribute', 'type': 'string', 'contextValue': 'value'}
    ], {
        onSuccess: function (data, partial_errors) {


Delete attributes form entities. This method can be use also for removing entities from the context broker.

deleteAttributes(toDelete[, options])
  • toDelete a list of AttributeDeletion

The onSuccess callback will receive an array with the response and a array with the not accepted updates as the first and the second parameter respectively.

Example usage (removing the position attribute from the Madrid entity):

            'entity': {type: 'City', id: 'Madrid'},
            'attributes': {
                'name': 'position',
                'type': 'coords'
    ], {
        onSuccess: function (data, partial_errors) {

Example usage (removing Madrid from the context broker):

            'entity': {type: 'City', id: 'Madrid'}
    ], {
        onSuccess: function (data, partial_errors) {


Subscribe to changes in the context information.

createSubscription(entities, attributeNames, duration, throttling, conditions, options)
  • entities is the list of Entities to query in this subscription
  • attributeNames is the list of attribute names to query in this subscription. Use null for retrieving all the attributes
  • duration is the Duration of this subscription
  • throttling is the proposed minimum interval between notifications. This value must be provided using the Duration type. You can also pass null if you don't want to provide a throttling value
  • conditions is a list of Conditions that will trigger queries using the provided information and their subsequent notifications to the onNotify callback

This method, supports a new type of callback: onNotify. This callback is required and can be either an URL or a function. In the later case, the NGSI Connection must be created using a NGSI proxy and will be called every time a notification comes from the NGSI server.

The first parameter of a onNotify callback function will be an object with the response data.

In addition to this, the createSubscription method supports an extra option:

  • flat (Boolean; default: false): This options is used for simplifying the data structure used for representing the returned data

Example usage:

        {type: 'Technician', id: 'tech*', isPattern: true},
        {type: 'Van', id: 'van1'},
    [{type: 'ONCHANGE', condValues: ['position']}],
        onNotify: function (data) {
            // called when a notification arrives
        onSuccess: function (data) {
            // subscription created successfully
            // data.subscriptionId contains the id associated with the created subscription


Update context subscription.

updateSubscription(subId, duration, throttling, conditions[, options])
  • subId is the id of the context subscription to cancel
  • duration is the Duration of this subscription
  • throttling is the proposed minimum interval between notifications. This value must be provided using the Duration type. This parameter is optional accepting null, in that case the throttling configuration of the subscription will not be updated
  • conditions is a list of Conditions that will trigger queries using the provided information and their subsequent notifications to the onNotify callback. This parameter is optional accepting null, in that case the conditions configuration of the subscription will not be updated

Example usage:

        onSuccess: function (response_data) {
            // subscription updated successfully


Cancels or deletes context subscription.

cancelSubscription(subId[, options])
  • subId is the id of the context subscription to cancel

Example usage:

        onSuccess: function (data) {
            // Subscription canceled successfully
            // data.subscriptionId should be equal to 'sub1'


Get info about about the used context types. This information is currently composed of the type name and the attributes used with that type (the attribute set returned by this operation is the union of the attributes used in each of the entities belonging to that type).


The getAvailableTypes method supports an extra option:

  • limit (Number; default: 20): This option allow you to specify the maximum number of entities you want to receive from the server
  • offset (Number; default: 0): Allows you to skip a given number of elements at the beginning
  • details (Boolean; default: true): Makes the server return more detailed information about the request (currently those details are related to the pagination)

Example usage:

    onSuccess: function (types, details) {
        // The types parameter contains the information
        // about the available types, see next slide for
        // more info

types parameter example:

        "attributes": [
        "name": "Car"
        "attributes": [
        "name": "Room"


Get info about about a concrete entity type. This information is currently composed of the type name and the attributes used with that type (the attribute set returned by this operation is the union of the attributes used in each of the entities belonging to that type).

getTypeInfo(type, options)

Example usage:

connection.getTypeInfo("Room", {
    onSuccess: function (type_info) {
        // The type_info parameter contains the information
        // about the Room type, see next slide for more info

type_info parameter example:

    "attributes": [
    "name": "Room"