Supported browsers

WireCloud 0.8 supports the following desktop browsers:

  • Firefox 38+
  • Chrome 37+
  • Safari 8+
  • Opera 23+

WireCloud 0.8 also works on the mobile version of the previous browsers, except the wiring editor that currently does not work with touch screens. On smartphones, an experimental and not ready for production view is provided.

Note: Although WireCloud supports those browsers, some widgets and operators may not support all of them. Read each widget and operators documentation for knowing if they have any restriction on the used browser.

Creating a new workspace

Mashups in WireCloud are built in the context of workspaces. A workspace consists of the set of widgets and operators that can be mashed-up, even spanning multiple tabs. Widgets and operators in a workspace can share data though data flow- or event-based mechanisms.

The workspace in use is shown in the upper area of the screen. It resembles the well-known REST nomenclature. For example, the following screenshot shows a workspace named "Workspace", pertaining the user "admin" and running in the FIWARE Lab’s instance of WireCloud, i.e. it is named admin/Workspace.


Near the workspace name there is a button that you can click on to expand the workspace dropdown menu:


Once expanded, the menu shows a list of the already created workspaces (see Workspace, My Multimedia Workspace and IssueTrouble in the figure above) that allows you to quickly switch between them, followed by a list of options:

  • Rename changes the name of the current workspace
  • Settings changes the settings of the current workspace
  • Remove deletes the current workspace
  • New workspace creates a new workspace
  • Embed shows info about how to embed current workspace in other web pages
  • Upload to my resources allows you to save the current workspace to the local catalogue for later usage

If you want to create a new workspace named "History Info", choose "New workspace" in the dropdown menu:


A dialog will pop up requiring a name for the new workspace. Type the desired name and click the accept button:


Once accepted, the name of the new workspace is shown in the upper area of the window:


The following screenshot show the "Settings" menu, where you can set workspace features:


Browsing the Marketplace

Marketplaces and Stores

A mashup tool like WireCloud must support access to a marketplace made up of stores, where people can offer and deal with services made accessible through widgets and operators, like goods, and finally mashup them to create value added services and applications.

On the marketplace you can quickly find and compare widgets and operators, which enable you to attend an industry-ecosystem better than before. Widgets, operators, and even pre-built mashups become tradable goods, which can be offered and acquired on Internet based marketplaces. Partner companies and other users can combine existing services to new services whereby new business models will be incurred and the value added chain is extended.

We differentiate the marketplace from a store. While a store is owned by a store owner who has full control over the specific (limited) widget, operator and mashup portfolio and offerings, a marketplace is a platform for many stores to make their offerings available to a broader audience and enable consumers to search and compare widgets, operators and pre-built mashups and find the store, where to buy. The final business transaction (buying) is done at the store and the whole back office process is handled by the store.

The following figure shows a screenshot of WireCloud where you can see the FIWARE Lab marketplace and the different stores made available through it.


Managing marketplaces

When looking for an offer of widgets, operators and mashups, you first need to choose a marketplace. Use the dropdown menu shown in the workspace path for this purpose.


As shown in the previous screenshot, this menu allows you to choose among the different marketplaces you have access to. To add a new marketplace, you only need to provide its endpoint (URL). You can also delete the current markeplace through the "Delete Marketplace" option in the context menu.

If you have only Local marketplace available, you can add the FIWARE Lab marketplace using "Add new marketplace", as shown in the following screenshots:



WireCloud offers a built-in local catalogue called "My Resources", which allows you to search among the widgets, operators and mashups currently available for the user. The following figure shows a screenshot of the "My Resources" for a user in a given instance of WireCloud.


If you are a widget developer with brand new widgets to share, or you just have downloaded a WireCloud-compliant widget from anywhere, you can easily upload your new widgets to the built-in local catalogue through the "Upload" button available on the "My Resources" view.



Choosing an available store

Stores in WireCloud are associated to a specific marketplace. Therefore, to surf a store you first need to choose the FIWARE Lab marketplace that publishes it. In the following figure, the user uses the dropdown menu to choose FIWARE Lab’s marketplace:


Once in the FIWARE Lab marketplace, the store dropdown menu shows all its available stores (CoNWeT, WStore FIWARE Lab and Another Store). The following figure shows the options available in the stores dropdown menu:


Last, but not least, you can return to surf the entire marketplace and see the global offer at a glance by selecting the “All stores” option.

Publishing mashable application components into Stores

  1. Go to the local catalogue: browsing_marketplace/Wirecloud_switch_to_local.png

  2. Open the mashable application component details clicking on it: browsing_marketplace/Wirecloud_open_details.png

  3. Click on Publish: browsing_marketplace/Wirecloud_click_publish.png

  4. Check the marketplace and the Store where the mashable application component is going to be uploaded browsing_marketplace/Wirecloud_publish_resource_store_select.png

  5. That's all!. Now you will be able to create new offerings at the selected Store using the uploaded resource. See the WStore documentation for more information on how to create offering using the uploaded resources.

Building a new mashup

If you followed the instructions documented in the "Creating a new workspace" section, you should have a "History Info" workspace. Let's assume that we start from this point:


Go then to the Marketplace to choose among the widgets available in the catalogue those you want to use in your mashup:


To ensure that you find the required widgets/operators for this example mashup, go to the FIWARE Lab marketplace and install them using the WireCloudUserGuide offering. You can also download them using the following URLs:

Once installed, you should be able to see all the widgets/operators used in this example in the "My Resources" view:


Go to the editor view and click on the "Add widget" button:


Look for the Linear Graph widget and click on the "Add to workspace" button:


This will add the Linear Graph widget into the dashboard, you can move and resize it until you obtain the desired layout:


Add the "Map Viewer" widget to the dashboard following the same steps for adding the Linear Graph widget. After rearranging it you will be presented with the following view, which shows you the two widgets in the default tab. You can see the tabs used in your workspace at the footer bar, and you can create new tabs to better organize the distribution of the widgets in your mashup.


Changing the settings of a widget

Once you have added the desired widgets to your mashup and you have placed and resized them to configure the information dashboard of your choice, you can change their settings. To do so, go to the upper-right corner of the widget and click the properties icon as shown in the following screen shot


You will then be presented with a dropdown menu with several options.


  • Rename changes the widget name shown in workspace editor and wiring Editor views
  • Settings shows a form for changing the settings of the current widget
  • Log shows a dialog with the log history of the widget
  • Upgrade/Downgrade allows you to change the version of the widget
  • Reload reloads the widget
  • User's Manual will open the widget documentation
  • Full Dragboard maximises the selected widget, so it will take up the full canvas area. This option becomes Exit Full Dragboard if the widget is already on "Full Dragboard" mode. In that case, this option will restore the size of the widget to the one it had before maximising it
  • Extract from grid lifts up the widget from the canvas, allowing you to place it wherever you want on the canvas, even on top of other widgets. This option becomes Snap to grid if the widget is currently outside the grid, in this case, this option docks the widget into the grid.

Finally, click on the Settings and you will be prompted with a customised dialog for the settings of the widget. In this example, the Map Viewer should be provided with initial location, zoom level and mark shadow radius to customise the visualisation.


As we have configure the initial position and the initial zoom, we need to reload the widget. To do so, we click again on the properties icon and then on the Reload option:

Reload option

Now we have our widget centered in the new location, Santander, and using the configured initial zoom level.

MapViewer widget after being configured

At this time, you have created a mashup with two individual widgets. The Linear Graph widget is empty and need to be wired with something that provides information to draw, and the Map Viewer is a good option to show any kind of "Points of Interest" and allow the user to select them easily.


Wiring widgets and operators

Once you have chosen the desired widgets, you can wire them to enable their intercommunication and to achieve coordinated behaviour. Widgets and operators in WireCloud, are capable of sending and/or receiving events and data through well-identified ports called endpoints. When you connect two compatible endpoints, the second one (i.e. the input or target endpoint) prepares to receive data flows and/or events coming from the first one (i.e. the output or source endpoint).

Basic wiring concepts

To wire the widgets and add operators to your mashup go to the Wiring view of the tool:


You will then be presented with an empty wiring configuration (denoted by an empty canvas displaying a welcome message):


One of the most important characteristics that should be intrinsic to the design of widgets is that they must be as generic as possible. For example, it makes much more sense to have a generic Map Viewer widget that can be wired through an operator to any source of information of your choice, than to have an specific one that has hard-coded the source of data. Operators represents the means to achieve this generality, because they represents the means to dynamically associate the widgets with the concrete services or sources of information you want to use in the context of a particular mashup.

In this case, we have an NGSI source operator that is going to provide the data information to the Map Viewer widget. This kind of operators are called piping operators. So we have to add it to the wiring.

To do so, open the components side panel and search the NGSI source operator, then click on the Create button:

Create operator

This will create an instance of that operator and will appear in the bottom of the box associated with the NGSI Source operator. You can see that it is highlighted indicating that the new operator is not used in the wiring configuration. All operators not used when leaving the wiring editor will be removed from the wiring configuration.

Now drag the operator from the operator list to the wiring canvas:



Once added, we need to configure it so it knows what info to retrieve from the Orion Context Broker and from what instance. To do so, click on the Settings menu entry:

NGSI Source Settings option

And make sure the following configuration is used:

  • NGSI server URL:
  • NGSI proxy URL:
  • Use the FIWARE credentials of the user: Enabled
  • Use the FIWARE credentials of the workspace owner: Disabled
  • NGSI entity types: Node, AMMS, Regulator
  • Id pattern: Empty
  • Monitored NGSI attributes: Latitud, Longitud, presence, batteryCharge, illuminance, ActivePower, ReactivePower, electricPotential, electricalCurrent

Now, we have the source of information that is going to be presented in the Map Viewer widget. So we need to add it to the wiring status following the same process for the operator, except that you do not have to create the widget (as widgets are created in the editor view):


The wiring editor comes with a recommendation system for connections. For example, move the pointer to the Provide entity endpoint. You will see that the endpoint get highlighted, this means that te recommendation system is searching for compatible endpoints. In this case there are no compatible endpoints.


This is because the output of the NGSI source cannot be connected directly with the Map Viewer widget. We can use a transform operator to convert the event data provided by the NGSI source operator to the format used by the Map Viewer widget. In this example, the operator that is going to perform this transformation is Entity to PoI:


After adding the operator, we can move the pointer to the Provide entity endpoint to see that now we have a connection recommendation:


So, we can connect it. To do so, push down the mouse button on the Provide entity endpoint and drag the arrow to the Entity endpoint:

wiring/Wiring_NGSIEntity2PoI_connection.png wiring/Wiring_NGSIEntity2PoI_c_done.png

And we can also connect also the PoI endpoint of the NGSI Entity To PoI operator to the Insert/Update PoI endpoint on the Map Viewer widget:


Once again, we need to configure the NGSI Entity To PoI operator, this is done in the same way as we have done with the NGSI Source. In this case the values should be:

  • Coordinates attribute: Latitud, Longitud
  • Marker Icon: Empty

If you return to the Editor view, you will see that the map widget has been updated and is showing the PoIs obtained from the NGSI source operator.

Map Viewer widget displaying shome PoIs

You can use the Map Viewer moving the viewport, selecting PoI's, etc. But in really, what we have is just the Map Viewer widget connected to a source of data, but using piping and transformation operators that is going to give us a great flexibility.

Map Viewer widget displaying the details of an entity

Other wiring common tasks

One of the most common operations is the task of getting the connections removed in the wiring. For example, when you make some mistake for some reason, you can fix it by clicking the Remove button that appears in the middle of the connection.


Another common task is to change the shape of connections. To do so, you have to click on the Customize option of the connection:


Once enabled, you only have to move the handles that appear to modify the shape of the connection.

wiring/reshape_arrow1.png wiring/reshape_arrow2.png

If you want to stop customising the connection, click outside the connection or use the Stop Customising option:


You can also minimize operators with the intention of improving space usage. This can be accomplished using the Collapse option that appears in the component menu:

wiring/minimize_option.png wiring/33.png

Cloncluding our example

Continue wiring the rest of the widgets in your mashup following your intuition, the documentation and the contextual help offered by each widget/operator. Anyway, just in case you have difficulties, you can see the final result in the following screenshot:


Now you can play with your new workspace.




Behaviour Oriented Wiring

Starting at WireCloud 0.8.0, you can create wiring configurations by means of compositing several behaviours.

A behaviour is a set of components jointly with the connections established between them for adding a feature or behaviour to the application mashup. For example, we can split the wiring configuration used by the dashboard created on the previous section into two behaviours:

  • The first one can be called: Show lampposts on map. This behaviour is composed of the NGSI Source, NGSI Entity To PoI and Map Viewer components as well as the connections between those components:

*Show lampposts on map* behaviour (Santander example)

  • The second one can be called: Show lamppost details. This behaviour is composed of the Map Viewer, History Module to Linear Graph and Linear Graph components as well as the connections between those components:

*Show lampposts details* behaviour (Santander example)

Take into account that components and connections can be present in more than one behaviour. For example, in the previous example the Map Viewer widgets was used in both behaviours.

WireCloud will continue supporting the creation of application mashups without having to use the behaviour methodology. However, by using this brand new feature WireCloud provides several benefits:

  • Splitting the wiring configuration into severals behaviours helps to provide a more organised and structured diagram as well as a way for documenting the reasons for using and connecting components in a particular way.
  • Ignoring the fact that using the behaviour oriented wiring has a harder learning curve, using it eases the development of wiring configurations as it allows you to develop them using several phases.
  • This documentation is also a good starting point for novice developers and experiences developers wanting to replicate the behaviour of a given application mashup. They only need to access the application mashups developed by other users and learn how the wiring configuration works by reading the behaviour descriptions.

Enabling/disabling the behaviour engine

Before using the Behaviour Oriented methodology, it must be enabled. To do so, go to the wiring editor view and click on the List behaviours button.

*List behaviours* button

This will display a side panel, currently without any behaviour. Click on the Enable button:

*Enable* behaviour engine button

Once enabled, you will have a first behaviour with all the components and connections previously added into the wiring configuration.

Note: You can always go back to not use the behaviour engine by clicking on the disable button.

*Disable* behaviour engine button

If you disable the behaviour engine, all components and connections will be squashed into a single view.

Take into account that this operation cannot be undone.

Using the behaviour oriented wiring user interface

General aspect of the behaviour oriented wiring user interface

This is the look of the wiring editor interface when the behaviour engine is enabled. Each of the panels in the Identified behaviours section represents a behaviour and displays the name and the description of the represented behaviour.

Noticed that one of the behaviours is highlighted, this is because you can edit only a behaviour at a time, this is the active behaviour. The name of the active behaviour is also displayed in the footer of the wiring editor, so you can know which is the active behaviour all the time (i.e. including when the behaviour list panel is hidden). Changing the active behaviour is just a matter of clicking on the panel representing the behaviour.

The other important thing to notice is that there are some "faded" components inside the wiring canvas (e.g. the Search For widget). Background components are faded because they do not form part of the active behaviour, although they form part of other behaviours.

Adding components and creating connections

You can add new components into a behaviour in the same way they are added when the behaviour engine is disabled. That is, by draging them from the component side panel. The only thing you have to take into account is that those components are only added into the active behaviour.

If you want to use a component already involved in other behaviour, you can use the Add button of the background component you want to include:

Component *Add* button

The same applies to the connections, if you create a new connection, that connection is added only into the active behaviour. If you want to include a connection already available on other behaviour, you can click on the Add button of the background connection:

Connection *Add* button

Note: If a background connection implies background components, adding that connection will also add that background components into the active behaviour.

Creating a new behaviour

You can create new behaviours by clicking on the Create behaviour button available on the list behaviour side panel:

*Create* behaviour button

Behaviour form

If you want to edit the title and the description of a behaviour, you can open the preferences menu and click on the Settings option:

Behaviour *Settings* option

Removing behaviours

You can always remove a behaviour at any time, except when there is only one behaviour (at least one behaviour must be present in a wiring configuration when the behaviour engine is enabled). To do so, click on the Remove button of the behaviour you want to remove:

*Remove* behaviour button

Note: All the components not used on other behaviour will be removed from the wiring configuration. Also take into account that this operation cannot be undone.

Removing components and connections

To remove a component from a behaviour, click on the Delete button:

*Remove* component button

Components are only totaly removed from the wiring configuration when they are not used in any of the available behaviours.

The same applies to connections, you can remove them from the active behaviour using the Delete button:

*Remove* connection button

Again, connections are remove from the wiring configuration when the are removed from all the behaviours.

Sharing your mashups

Workspaces can be made public by means of modifying their settings as Follows:

  1. Click on the workspace menu button and click Settings: wiring/Public_Workspace_Menu.png

  2. You will be presented with a dialog for editing workspace's settings: wiring/Public_Workspace_Settings.png

After making a workspace public, you will be able to share the workspace URL with other users.

Embedding mashups inside other web pages

All workspaces can be embedded, but take into account that access rules are the same that applies when using the workspace directly from WireCloud. If you don't make the workspace public, you will require users to be logged in WireCloud and having enough access permission. This make changing sharing settings of the workspace a first step before embedding mashups into other web pages.

You can also obtain the code you have to copy & paste into other web pages following those steps:

  1. Click on the workspace menu button and click Embed: wiring/Embed_Workspace_Menu.png

  2. A new window showing you the code for embedding the mashup. Copy & paste it into you HTML document. wiring/Embed_Dialog.png

Additional sources of information

See the Application Mashup GE fundamentals course at the FIWARE Academy for detailed documentation on how to use WireCloud from different perspectives (end-user, developer and administrators). Another source of information is the WireCloud website where you can find more general information and other interesting resources such as demo videos.