FIWARE Application Mashup - Widget API Specification

Date: 30th September 2015

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The Application Mashup GE offers two separate APIs that cannot be combined because of their different nature: The Widget API (the subject of this document) is a JavaScript API, while the Application Mashup API is a RESTful one. You can find the Application Mashup RESTful API in the following link:

The Widget API is a JavaScript API that allows widgets/operators to gain access to the functionalities provided by the Application Mashup GE (wiring, preferences, context information, logs, etc.). Amongst other functionalities, this API allows the widgets/operators to gain access to remote resources (e.g. in order to gain access to a remote REST API through the cross-domain proxy).

This document also show some examples that can be tested using WireCloud, the reference implementation of the FIWARE Application Mashup GE.


  • Álvaro Arranz, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


The editors would like to express their gratitude to the following people who actively contributed to this specification: Aitor Magan and Francisco de la Vega


This is a work in progress and is changing on a daily basis. You can check the latest available version on: Please send your comments to

This specification is licensed under the FIWARE Open Specification License (implicit patents license).

Copyright © 2012-2015 by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Widget API


This module provides some methods for handling HTTP requests including support for using the cross domain proxy.

Currently this module is composed of two methods:

MashupPlatform.http.buildProxyURL method

This method builds a URL suitable for working around the cross-domain problem. It is usually handled using the Application Mashup proxy but it also can be handled using the access control request headers if the browser has support for them. If all the needed requirements are meet, this function will return a URL without using the proxy.

MashupPlatform.http.buildProxyURL(url, options)
  • url (required, string): target URL
  • options (optional, object): an object with request options (shown later)

Example usage:

var internal_url = '';
var url = MashupPlatform.http.buildProxyURL(internal_url, {forceProxy: true});
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = url;

MashupPlatform.http.makeRequest method

Sends an HTTP request. This method internally calls the buildProxyURL method for working around any possible problem related with the same-origin policy followed by browser (allowing CORS requests).

MashupPlatform.http.makeRequest(url, options)
  • url (required, string): the URL to which to send the request
  • options (optional, object): an object with a list of request options (shown later)

This method returns a Request object

Example usage:

var request = MashupPlatform.http.makeRequest('', {
    method: "POST",
    postBody: JSON.stringify({key: value}),
    contentType: "application/json",
    onSuccess: function (response) {
        // Everything went ok
    onFailure: function (response) {
        // Something went wrong
    onComplete: function () {

Request options: General options

  • contentType (string): The Content-Type header for your request. If it is not provided, the content-type header will be extrapolated from the value of the postBody option (defaulting to application/x-www-form-urlencoded if the postBody value is a String). Specify this option if you want to force the value of the Content-Type header.
  • encoding (string; default UTF-8): The encoding for the contents of your request. It is best left as-is, but should weird encoding issues arise, you may have to tweak this.
  • method (string; default POST): The HTTP method to use for the request.
  • responseType (string; default: ""): Can be set to change the response type. The valid values for this options are: "", "arraybuffer", "blob", "document", "json" and "text".
  • parameters (object): The parameters for the request, which will be encoded into the URL for a GET method, or into the request body when using the PUT and POST methods.
  • postBody (ArrayBufferView, Blob, Document, String, FormData): The contents to use as request body (usually used in post and put requests, but can be used by any request). If it is not provided, the contents of the parameters option will be used instead. Finally, if there are not parameters, request will not have a body.
  • requestHeaders (object): A set of key-value pairs, with properties representing header names.
  • supportsAccessControl (boolean; default false): Indicates whether the target server supports the Access Control headers, and thus, you want to make a request without using the cross-domain proxy if possible.
  • withCredentials (boolean; default false): Indicates whether or not cross-site Access-Control requests should be made using credentials such as cookies or authorization headers. In addition, this flag is also used to indicate when cookies are to be ignored in the response.
  • forceProxy (boolean; default false): Sends the request through the proxy regardless of the other options passed.
  • context (object; default null): The value to be passed as the this parameter to the callbacks. If context is null the this parameter of the callbacks is left intact.

Request options: Callback options

  • onAbort (new in WireCloud 0.8.2): Invoked when the abort() method of the Request object returned by MashupPlatform.http.makeRequest() is called
  • onSuccess: Invoked when a request completes and its status code belongs in the 2xy family. This is skipped if a code-specific callback is defined, and happens before onComplete. Receives the response object as the first argument
  • onFailure: Invoked when a request completes and its status code exists but is not in the 2xy family. This is skipped if a code-specific callback is defined, and happens before onComplete. Receives the response object as the first argument
  • onXYZ (with XYZ representing any HTTP status code): Invoked just after the response is complete if the status code is the exact code used in the callback name. Prevents execution of onSuccess and onFailure. Happens before onComplete. Receives the response object as the first argument
  • onComplete: Triggered at the very end of a request's life-cycle, after the request completes, status-specific callbacks are called, and possible automatic behaviours are processed. Guaranteed to run regardless of what happened during the request. Receives the response object as the first argument
  • onException: Triggered whenever an exception arises running any of the onXYZ, onSuccess, onFailure and onComplete callbacks. Receives the request as the first argument, and the exception object as the second one

Request object

The request object returned by the MashupPlatform.http.makeRequest method provides the following attributes:

  • method (string): The HTTP method use by the request, such as "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", etc.
  • url (string): The final URL where the request has been sent to

And the following method:

  • abort(): Aborts the request if it has already been sent

Response object

The response object passed to the callbacks used with the MashupPlatform.http.makeRequest method provides the following attributes:

  • request (Request): The request for the current response
  • status (number): The status of the response to the request. This is the HTTP result code
  • statusText (string): The response string returned by the HTTP server. Unlike status, this includes the entire text of the response message
  • response (ArrayBuffer, Blob, Document, object, String): The response entity body according to responseType, as an ArrayBuffer, Blob or a String. This is null if the request is not complete, was not successful or the responseType option of the requests was ""
  • responseText (string): The response to the request as text, or null if the request was unsuccessful or the responseType option of the requests was different to ""
  • responseXML (Document): The response to the request as a Document, or null if the request was unsuccessful or cannot be parsed as XML or HTML. The response is parsed as if it were a text/xml stream. This attribute is not available if responseType is different to "".


This module contains the following constants:

  • ERROR: Used for indicating an Error level
  • WARN: Used for indicating a Warning level
  • INFO: Used for indicating an Info level

Those constants can be used when calling to the MashupPlatform.widget.log and MashupPlatform.operator.log methods.


This module provides methods for managing the preferences defined on the mashable application component description file (config.xml file).

Currently, this module provides three methods:

and one exception:

MashupPlatform.prefs.get method

This method retrieves the value of a preference. The type of the value returned by this method depends on the type of the preference.

  • key (required, string): the name of the preference as defined on the config.xml file.

This method can raise the following exceptions:

  • MashupPlatform.prefs.PreferenceDoesNotExistError

Example usage:

MashupPlatform.prefs.get('boolean-pref'); // true or false
MashupPlatform.prefs.get('number-prefs'); // a number value
MashupPlatform.prefs.get('text-prefs');   // a string value

MashupPlatform.prefs.registerCallback method

This method registers a callback for listening for preference changes.

  • callback function to be called when a change in one or more preferences is detected. This callback will receive a key-value object with the changed preferences and their new values.

Example usage:

MashupPlatform.prefs.registerCallback(function (new_values) {
    if ('some-pref' in new_values) {
        // some-pref has been changed
        // new_values['some-pref'] contains the new value

MashupPlatform.prefs.set method

This method sets the value of a preference.

MashupPlatform.prefs.set(key, value)
  • key (required, string): the name of the preference as defined on the config.xml file.
  • value (required, any): new value for the preference. The acceptable values for this parameter depends on the type of the preference.

This method can raise the following exceptions:

  • MashupPlatform.prefs.PreferenceDoesNotExistError

Example usage:

MashupPlatform.prefs.set('boolean-pref', true);

MashupPlatform.prefs.PreferenceDoesNotExistError exception

This exception is raised when a preference is not found.



The mashup module contains one attribute:

and a the following methods:

MashupPlatform.mashup.context attribute

This attribute contains the context manager of the mashup. See the documentation about context managers for more information.


Example usage:


MashupPlatform.mashup.addWidget method

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

This method allows widgets and operators to add new temporal widgets into the current workspace.

This method is only available when making use of the DashboardManagement feature.

MashupPlatform.mashup.addWidget(widget_ref, options)
  • widget_ref (required, string): id (vendor/name/version) of the widget to use.
  • options (optional, object): object with extra options.

Supported options:

  • title (string): Title for the widget. If not provided, the default title provided in the widget description will be used.
  • permissions (object): Object with the permissions to apply to the widget. Currently, the following permissions are available: close, configure, minimize, move, resize and upgrade.
  • preferences (object): Object with the initial configuration for the preferences. If not provided, the default configuration of the widget is used.
  • properties (object): Object with the initial configuration for the properties. If not provided, the default configuration of the widget is used.
  • refposition (ClientRect): Element position to use as reference for placing the new widget. You can obtain such a object using the getBoundingClientRect method. This option cannot be used when using the addWidget method from an operator.
  • top (string, default: 0px): This option specifies the distance between the top margin edge of the element and the top edge of the dashboard. This value will be ignored if you provide a value for the refposition option.
  • left (string, default: 0px): This option specifies the distance between the left margin edge of the element and the top edge of the dashboard. This value will be ignored if you provide a value for the refposition option.
  • width (string, default: null): This options specifies the width of the widget. If not provided, the default width will be used.
  • height (string, default: null): This options specifies the height of the widget. If not provided, the default height will be used.

Example usage:

var widget = MashupPlatform.mashup.addWidget('CoNWeT/kurento-one2one/1.0', {
    "permissions": {
        "close": false,
        "configure": false
    "preferences": {
        "stand-alone": {
            "value": false
    "top": "0px",
    "left": "66%"

MashupPlatform.mashup.addOperator method

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

This method allows widgets and operators to add new temporal operators into the current workspace.

This method is only available when making use of the DashboardManagement feature.

MashupPlatform.mashup.addOperator(operator_ref, options)
  • operator_ref (required, string): id (vendor/name/version) of the operator to use.
  • options (optional, object): object with extra options.

Supported options:

  • permissions (object): Object with the permissions to apply to the operator. Currently, the following permissions are available: close, configure and upgrade.
  • preferences (object): Object with the initial configuration for the preferences. If not provided, the default configuration of the operator is used.

Example usage:

var operator = MashupPlatform.mashup.addOperator('CoNWeT/ngsientity2poi/3.0.3', {
    "preferences": {
        "coordinates_attr": {
            "value": "current_position"

MashupPlatform.mashup.createWorkspace method

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

This method allows widgets and operators to create new workspaces for the current user. This method is asynchronous.

This method is only available when making use of the DashboardManagement feature.

  • options (required, object): object with the options to use for creating the workspace. At least one of the following options has to be provided: name, mashup, workspace.

Supported options:

  • name (string): Name for the new workspace. This option is required if neither mashup nor workspace option is used. If not provided, the name of the mashup will be taken from the mashup or from the workspace to use as template.
  • mashup (string): id (vendor/name/version) of the mashup to use as template for creating the new workspace. Both the mashup and workspace attributes are optional, but should not be specified together.
  • workspace (string): id (owner/name) of the workspace to use as template for creating the new workspace. Both the mashup and workspace attributes are optional, but should not be specified together.
  • allowrenaming (boolean, default false): if this option is true, the Application Mashup server will rename the workspace if a workspace with the same name already exists.
  • preferences (object): Object with the initial values for the workspace preferences. If not provided, the default values will be used.
  • onSuccess (function): callback to invoke if the workspace is created successfully.
  • onFailure (function): callback to invoke if some error is raised while creating the workspace.

Example usage:

    name: 'New workspace',
    mashup: 'CoNWeT/ckan-graph-mashup/1.0',
    onSuccess: function (workspace) {
        alert(workspace.owner + "/" + + " created successfully");


This module is only available when running inside an operator. Currently, the Widget API provides the following attributes:

and three methods: attribute

This attribute contains the operator's id.

MashupPlatform.operator.context attribute

This attribute contains the context manager of the operator. See the documentation about context managers for more information.


Example usage:


MashupPlatform.operator.inputs attribute

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

A dict with the input endpoints of the operator using as key the name of the input endpoints.


MashupPlatform.operator.outputs attribute

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

A dict with the input endpoints of the operator using as key the name of the output endpoints.


MashupPlatform.operator.createInputEndpoint method

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

This method creates a dynamic input endpoint.

  • callback (required, function): function that will be called when an event arrives the input endpoint.

Example usage:

MashupPlatform.operator.createInputEndpoint(function (data_string) {
    var data = JSON.parse(data_string);

MashupPlatform.operator.createOutputEndpoint method

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

This method creates a dynamic input endpoint.


Example usage:

var endpoint = MashupPlatform.operator.createOutputEndpoint();
endpoint.pushEvent('event data');

MashupPlatform.operator.log method

This method writes a message into the Application Mashup's log console.

MashupPlatform.operator.log(msg, level)
  • msg (required, string): is the text of the message to log.
  • level (optional, default: MashupPlatform.log.ERROR): This optional parameter specifies the level to use for logging the message. See MashupPlatform.log for available log levels.

Example usage:

MashupPlatform.operator.log('error message description');
MashupPlatform.operator.log('info message description', MashupPlatform.log.INFO);


This module is only available when running inside a widget. Currently, the Widget API provides the following attributes:

and the following methods: attribute

This attribute contains the widget's id.

MashupPlatform.widget.context attribute

This attribute contains the context manager of the widget. See the documentation about context managers for more information.


Example usage:


MashupPlatform.widget.inputs attribute

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

A dict with the input endpoints of the widget using as key the name of the input endpoints.


MashupPlatform.widget.outputs attribute

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

A dict with the input endpoints of the widget using as key the name of the output endpoints.


MashupPlatform.widget.createInputEndpoint method

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

This method creates a dynamic input endpoint.

  • callback (required, function): the function that will be called when an event arrives the input endpoint.

Example usage:

MashupPlatform.widget.createInputEndpoint(function (data_string) {
    var data = JSON.parse(data_string);

MashupPlatform.widget.createOutputEndpoint method

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

This method creates a dynamic output endpoint.


Example usage:

var endpoint = MashupPlatform.widget.createOutputEndpoint();
endpoint.pushEvent('event data');

MashupPlatform.widget.getVariable method

Returns a widget variable by its name.

  • name (required, string): the name of the persistent variable as defined on the config.xml file.

Example usage:

var variable = MashupPlatform.widget.getVariable('persistent-var');

MashupPlatform.widget.drawAttention method

Makes the Application Mashup Engine notify that the widget needs user's attention.


MashupPlatform.widget.log method

Writes a message into the Application Mashup's log console.

MashupPlatform.widget.log(msg, level)
  • msg (required, string): is the text of the message to log.
  • level (optional, default: MashupPlatform.log.ERROR): This optional parameter specifies the level to use for logging the message. See MashupPlatform.log for available log levels.

Example usage:

MashupPlatform.widget.log('error message description');
MashupPlatform.widget.log('warning message description', MashupPlatform.log.WARN);


This module provides some methods for handling the communication between widgets an operators through the wiring.

Currently this module is composed of five methods:

and three exceptions:

MashupPlatform.wiring.hasInputConnections method

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

Sends an event through the wiring.

  • inputName (required, string): name of the input endpoint to query if has connections

This method can raise the following exceptions:

  • MashupPlatform.wiring.EndpointDoesNotExistError

Example usage:


MashupPlatform.wiring.hasOutputConnections method

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

Sends an event through the wiring.

  • outputName (required, string): name of the output endpoint to query if has connections

This method can raise the following exceptions:

  • MashupPlatform.wiring.EndpointDoesNotExistError

Example usage:


MashupPlatform.wiring.pushEvent method

Sends an event through the wiring.

MashupPlatform.wiring.pushEvent(outputName, data)
  • outputName (required, string): name of the output endpoint to use for sending the event.
  • data (required, any): data to send

This method can raise the following exceptions:

  • MashupPlatform.wiring.EndpointDoesNotExistError

Example usage:

MashupPlatform.wiring.pushEvent('outputendpoint', 'event data');

MashupPlatform.wiring.registerCallback method

Registers a callback for a given input endpoint. If the given endpoint already has registered a callback, it will be replaced by the new one.

MashupPlatform.wiring.registerCallback(inputName, callback)
  • inputName (required, string): name of the input endpoint where the callback function will be registered
  • callback (required, function): function that will be called when an event arrives the input endpoint

This method can raise the following exceptions:

  • MashupPlatform.wiring.EndpointDoesNotExistError

Example usage:

MashupPlatform.wiring.registerCallback('inputendpoint', function (data_string) {
    var data = JSON.parse(data_string);

MashupPlatform.wiring.registerStatusCallback method

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

Registers a callback that will be called everytime the wiring status of the mashup change, except by the changes made using this Widget API.

  • callback (required, function): function that will be called everytime the wiring configuration is changed

Example usage:

MashupPlatform.wiring.registerStatusCallback(function () {

MashupPlatform.wiring.EndpointDoesNotExistError exception

This exception is raised when an input/output endpoint is not found.


MashupPlatform.wiring.EndpointTypeError exception

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

Widgets/operators can throw this exception if they detect that the data arriving an input endpoint is not of the expected type.

  • message (required, string): message text describing the exception

Example usage:

MashupPlatform.wiring.registerCallback('inputendpoint', function (data) {
    try {
        data = JSON.parse(data);
    } catch (error) {
        throw new MashupPlatform.wiring.EndpointTypeError('data should be encoded as JSON');


MashupPlatform.wiring.EndpointValueError exception

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

Widgets/operators can throw this exception if they detect that the data arriving an input endpoint, although has the right type, contains inappropriate values.

  • message (required, string): message text describing the exception

Example usage:

MashupPlatform.wiring.registerCallback('inputendpoint', function (data) {

    if (data.level > 4 || data.level < 0) {
        throw new MashupPlatform.wiring.EndpointValueError('level out of range');


Endpoint instances

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

Endpoint instances provide one attribute:

and the following methods (depending on the type of endpoint):

Endpoint.connected attribute

This attribute indicates if the associated endpoint has at least one connection.


Example usage

if (MashupPlatform.widget.inputs.source.connected) {
} else {

Endpoint.connect method

This method stablishes a connection between the endpoint associated to the instance and the endpoint passed as parameter.

  • endpoint (*required, Endpoint): the input/output endpoint to connect on the other end of the connection.

Example usage

var operator = MashupPlatform.mashup.addOperator('CoNWeT/ngsientity2poi/3.0.3', ...);
var widget = MashupPlatform.mashup.addWidget('CoNWeT/map-viewer/2.5.7', ...);


Endpoint.disconnect method

Removes dynamic connections starting or ending in this endpoint. This method cannot be used for disconnecting connections created by the user using the Wiring Editor.

  • endpoint (optional, Endpoint): the endpoint on the other end of the connection to remove. If endpoint is null, all the dynamic connections related to this endpoint will be disconnected.

Endpoint.pushEvent method

Sends an event through the wiring.

Only available on output endpoints.

  • data (required, any): data to send

Example usage:

MashupPlatform.widget.outputs.entity.pushEvent('event data');

Widget instances

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

Widget instances (obtained using the MashupPlatform.mashup.addWidget method) provides the following attributes:

And the following method:

Widget.inputs attribute

A dict with the input endpoints of the widget using as key the name of the input endpoints.


Widget.outputs attribute

A dict with the input endpoints of the widget using as key the name of the output endpoints.


Widget.remove method

This method removes the widget from the workspace. Any wiring connection involving this widget is disconnected before removing the widget.


Example usage:

var widget = MashupPlatform.mashup.addWidget(...);

Operator instances

new in WireCloud 0.8.0 / Widget API v2

Operators instances (obtained using the MashupPlatform.mashup.addOperator method) provides the following attributes:

And the following method:

Operator.inputs attribute

A dict with the input endpoints of the operator using as key the name of the input endpoints.


Operator.outputs attribute

A dict with the input endpoints of the operator using as key the name of the output endpoints.


Operator.remove method

This method removes the operator from the workspace. Any wiring connection involving this operator is disconnected before removing the operator.


Example usage:

var operator = MashupPlatform.mashup.addOperator(...);

Context Managers

Each context managers supports three methods:

ContextManager.getAvailableContext method

This method provides information about what concepts are available for the given level


Example usage:


ContextManager.get method

Retrieves the current value for a concept

  • key (required, string): name of the concept to query.

Example usage:


ContextManager.registerCallback method

Allows to register a callback that will be called when any of the concepts are modified

  • callback (required, function): function that will be called everytime the context information managed by the context manager change.

Example usage:

MashupPlatform.widget.context.registerCallback(function (new_values) {
    if ('some-context-concept' in new_values) {
        // some-context-concept has been changed
        // new_values['some-context-concept'] contains the new value