Before running any of the tests provided by WireCloud, you need to install some extra dependencies:

$ pip install django-nose "mock>=1.0,<2.0"

Unit tests

Server unit tests are executed:

python test -v 2 --noinput --nologcapture -a tags="wirecloud-noselenium"

These unit tests use mocks for replacing several external services although there are some systems used and configured by Django using the configuration provided in the file. For example, django uses the database configuration provided in this file when running the tests.

There are also unit tests for the JavaScript code that is executed in the client side. You can tun those tests by executing the following command:

$ grunt karma

Note: JavaScript unit tests are work in progress, do not expect a great code coverage.

Integration tests

The integration tests make use of selenium, you can also install it through pip:

$ pip install selenium

Once installed you, you will have to install the drivers for the browsers you want to use for testing. The preferred browsers for testing are Firefox and Chrome/Chromium. You can download the required drivers for those browser from the following links:

Browsers to use for testing are configured in the file by using the WIRECLOUD_SELENIUM_TEST_BROWSERS setting. The following snippet is an example of the possible configuration:


    # Download geckodriver from the following URL:
    # Old versions of Firefox can be found here:

    'Firefox': {
        'CLASS': 'selenium.webdriver.Firefox',

    # Download chromedriver from the following URL:
    # Old versions of chrome can be found here:
    'GoogleChrome': {
        'CLASS': 'selenium.webdriver.Chrome',

    # Download opera driver from the following URL:
    # Old versions of Opera can be found here:

    'Opera': {
        'CLASS': 'selenium.webdriver.Opera',

    'Safari': {
        'CLASS': 'selenium.webdriver.Safari',

Now you can pass the integration tests by running the following command:

python test -v 2 --noinput --nologcapture -a tags="wirecloud-selenium"